There was nothing left in the refrigerator.
No quedava res a la nevera.
I'd like to buy a refrigerator.
M'agradaria comprar una nevera.
Get an egg from the refrigerator.
Obtenir un ou de la nevera.
I cannot repair this refrigerator.
No puc reparar aquesta nevera.
Tom is fixing the refrigerator.
Tom està arreglant la nevera.
Tom opened the refrigerator.
Tom va obrir la nevera.
Put the eggs in the refrigerator.
Posa els ous a la nevera.
Refer to the instructions to fix the refrigerator.
Consulteu les instruccions per arreglar la nevera.
Opening the refrigerator, I noticed the meat had spoiled.
Obrint la nevera, em vaig adonar que la carn s'havia fet malbé.
Nothing remained in the refrigerator.
No quedava res a la nevera.
Is there much food in the refrigerator?
Hi ha molt menjar a la nevera?
A refrigerator keeps meat fresh.
Una nevera manté la carn fresca.
It's been about two days since I put the body in the refrigerator.
Han passat uns dos dies des que vaig posar el cos a la nevera.
Is there any butter in the refrigerator?
Hi ha mantega a la nevera?
Our refrigerator isn't working.
La nevera no funciona.
Put the meat in the refrigerator, or it will rot.
Posar la carn a la nevera, o es podrirà.
I want to buy a large sized refrigerator.
Vull comprar una nevera de grans dimensions.
I drank some of the milk and kept the rest in the refrigerator.
Vaig beure una mica de llet i vaig mantenir la resta a la nevera.
My refrigerator is out of order.
La nevera està fora de servei.
Our refrigerator is out of order.
La nevera està fora de servei.
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