No em vaig adonar de la importància d'aquest problema.
Don't you realize your behavior reflects on all of us?
No t'adones que el teu comportament reflexiona sobre tots nosaltres?
I didn't realize how serious the situation was.
No em vaig adonar de la gravetat de la situació.
I didn't realize you were interested in it.
No em vaig adonar que t'interessava.
Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.
L’art és la mentida que ens permet adonar-nos de la veritat.
I hope we can realize these plans next year.
Espero poder realitzar aquests plans l'any que ve.
Unfortunately, we couldn't make realize much of what was planned.
Malauradament, no ens vam poder adonar de gran part del que estava previst.
We'll do our best to realize what we've planned.
Farem tot el possible per adonar-nos del que hem planejat.
Tom didn't realize he had his sweater on inside out.
En Tom no es va adonar que tenia el jersei dins cap a fora.
Do you realize the fact that we, generally speaking, are drowning?
T'adones que, en general, ens ofeguem?
Learn to be a man of his word and find opportunities to realize your dreams.
Aprèn a ser un home de la seva paraula i troba oportunitats per realitzar els teus somnis.
Easy to plan, hard to realize.
Fàcil de planificar, difícil d'adonar.
If you realize you've done something wrong, then you should have a conscience and fix it as much as possible.
Si t'adones que has fet alguna cosa malament, hauràs de tenir consciència i arreglar-ho tant com sigui possible.
I didn't realize that Tom's bill was overdue.
No em vaig adonar que la factura de Tom estava vençuda.
Few people realize it, but it's true.
Poca gent se n'adona, però és cert.
I'm glad you realize that.
M'alegro que t'adonis d'això.
When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught, - only then will you realize that money can not be eaten.
Quan l'últim arbre es talla, quan l'últim riu s'enverina, quan l'últim ocell és capturat, només llavors t'adonaràs que no es poden menjar diners.
Doesn't Tom realize Mary loves him?
En Tom no s'adona que la Mary l'estima?
I didn't realize Tom was such a close friend of yours.
No em vaig adonar que Tom era un amic teu tan íntim.
When someone makes a request to you: "Tell me honestly...", you realize in horror that now you're likely going to have to lie a lot.
Quan algú et fa una sol·licitud: "Digues-me sincerament...", t'adones horroritzats que ara és probable que hagis de mentir molt.