Get my horse ready at once!
Prepara el meu cavall alhora!
I don't have much ready money.
No tinc diners preparats.
I'll be ready to go in ten minutes.
Estaré preparat per anar-hi d'aquí a deu minuts.
I'm ready to forgive Tom.
Estic disposat a perdonar en Tom.
When will breakfast be ready?
Quan estarà a punt l’esmorzar?
I hope these companies will be ready to deal with us in the future.
Espero que aquestes empreses estiguin preparades per tractar-nos en el futur.
You can meet us downstairs when you're ready.
Ens pots trobar a la planta baixa quan estiguis a punt.
I don't think I'm ready for a relationship.
No crec que estigui preparat per a una relació.
This book is ready to go to press.
Aquest llibre està preparat per anar a la premsa.
Tell Tom to get ready.
Digues-li a Tom que es prepari.
Nevertheless, she took off her coat and seemed ready for a short conversation.
No obstant això, es va treure l'abric i semblava preparada per a una breu conversa.
Not everyone is ready to take responsibility and expose himself to risk of making mistakes.
No tothom està disposat a assumir responsabilitats i exposar-se al risc de cometre errors.
Knowing you I'm ready for anything.
Coneixent-te estic preparat per a qualsevol cosa.
Dinner is about ready.
El sopar està a punt.
I'm ready. And you?
Estic preparat. I tu?
Tom's not ready yet.
Tom encara no està preparat.
We're not ready for this.
No estem preparats per a això.
We're ready for anything.
Estem preparats per a qualsevol cosa.
She won't be ready.
No estarà preparada.
I'll do my best to have it ready on time.
Faré tot el possible per tenir-lo a punt a temps.
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