There was no way of reaching Tom.
No hi havia manera d'arribar a Tom.
The firemen were prevented from reaching the woman trapped in her house, because of the huge pile of junk she had accumulated over many years.
Als bombers se'ls va impedir arribar a la dona atrapada a casa seva, a causa de l'enorme munt d'escombraries que havia acumulat durant molts anys.
They exchanged ideas before reaching a decision.
Van intercanviar idees abans d'arribar a una decisió.
We have had difficulty reaching you by phone.
Hem tingut dificultats per arribar-hi per telèfon.
After six hours' climbing, we finally succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.
Després de sis hores d'escalada, finalment vam aconseguir arribar al cim de la muntanya.
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