Don't raise your voice above a whisper.
No aixequis la veu per sobre d'un xiuxiueig.
How large а sum did they raise?
Quina quantitat ⁇ van recaptar?
If you want a ticket, please raise your hand.
Si vols un bitllet, si us plau aixeca la mà.
Tom asked for a raise in pay.
Tom va demanar un augment de sou.
Tom resigned because they refused to give him a raise.
Tom va dimitir perquè es van negar a donar-li un augment.
Tom was in a very jocular mood after being given a raise by his boss.
Tom estava d'humor molt bromista després que el seu cap li va donar un augment.
Let's raise our glasses for the master of the house!
Aixequem les ulleres per al mestre de la casa!
You're being given a promotion and a raise in security access level.
Se us ofereix una promoció i un augment del nivell d'accés a la seguretat.
They can raise your rent.
Poden augmentar el lloguer.
I can't raise our child by myself.
No puc criar el nostre fill sol.
I heard they're going to raise our rent.
Vaig sentir que augmentaran el lloguer.
The documentary is meant to raise consciousness about the plight of the poor.
El documental pretén conscienciar sobre la difícil situació dels pobres.
They oppose the plan to raise taxes.
S'oposen al pla d'augment d'impostos.
Don't presume to tell me how to raise my children!
No presumeixis de dir-me com criar els meus fills!
It was a mistake for such a young parent to have, and raise a child.
Va ser un error que tingués un pare tan jove i criés un fill.
Please raise your hand before you speak.
Aixeca la mà abans de parlar.
I don't want to raise false hopes.
No vull crear falses esperances.
The coward is the first to raise his fist.
El covard és el primer a aixecar el puny.
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