Tom quit his job yesterday.
Tom va deixar la seva feina ahir.
Why don't you quit what you're doing and come out for a walk?
Per què no deixes el que fas i surts a passejar?
Tom has decided to quit smoking.
Tom ha decidit deixar de fumar.
He tried in vain to quit smoking.
Va intentar en va deixar de fumar.
Did you guys quit making music?
Has deixat de fer música?
The doctor advised me to quit smoking.
El metge em va aconsellar que deixés de fumar.
I told Tom it was time to quit.
Li vaig dir a Tom que era hora de deixar-ho.
I quit smoking three years ago.
Fa tres anys que vaig deixar de fumar.
I couldn't understand why Tom wanted to quit school.
No podia entendre per què en Tom volia deixar l'escola.
Please don't quit.
Si us plau, no deixis.
Tom didn't quit.
Tom no va renunciar.
You should tell Tom that Mary would prefer it if he would quit calling her.
Hauries de dir-li a Tom que la Mary ho preferiria si deixava de trucar-la.
Do you want to know why I quit?
Vols saber per què he deixat de fumar?
I have quit smoking and drinking.
He deixat de fumar i de beure.
My doctor told me to quit smoking.
El meu metge em va dir que deixés de fumar.
Do you want me to quit?
Vols que deixi de fumar?
I thought Tom had quit smoking.
Pensava que Tom havia deixat de fumar.
It's easy to quit smoking. I've done it hundreds of times.
És fàcil deixar de fumar. Ho he fet centenars de vegades.
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