Does that answer your question?
Això respon a la teva pregunta?
I didn't expect such a nasty response to my question.
No esperava una resposta tan desagradable a la meva pregunta.
I question the sincerity of Tom's speech.
Em pregunto per la sinceritat del discurs de Tom.
It's out of the question for me to leave my job.
Està fora de dubte deixar la meva feina.
The question of Tom's ability came up.
Va sorgir la qüestió de l'habilitat de Tom.
Tom will be there tomorrow without question.
Tom hi serà demà sense cap dubte.
Tom's honesty is beyond all question.
L'honestedat de Tom està més enllà de tot dubte.
They asked a question that was right on the mark.
Van fer una pregunta que estava bé a la marca.
Unfortunately, no one deals with this question.
Malauradament, ningú no s’ocupa d’aquesta pregunta.
Sorry, could you repeat the question? In whole, desirably.
Ho sentim, podries repetir la pregunta? En definitiva, desitjablement.
That's what resolves the question.
Això és el que resol la pregunta.
Would it be OK if I asked you a personal question?
Estaria bé si et fes una pregunta personal?
I would ask the question differently.
Jo faria la pregunta d’una altra manera.
I can't answer your question.
No puc respondre a la teva pregunta.
To find the answer to this question, I went to the city library.
Per trobar la resposta a aquesta pregunta, vaig anar a la biblioteca de la ciutat.
Would you like to rephrase the question?
Vols reformular la pregunta?
Thanks for your question.
Gràcies per la teva pregunta.
This question is very simple.
Aquesta pregunta és molt senzilla.
Emily asked me a question.
L'Emily em va fer una pregunta.
Emily answered the question right.
L'Emily va respondre bé a la pregunta.
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