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IPA : /prəvaɪd/
Two eggs provide 100 calories, the equivalent of some 100 grams of milk and 100 grams of meat.
Dos ous aporten 100 calories, l'equivalent a uns 100 grams de llet i 100 grams de carn.
The context is the most important thing in a translation. A translator might forget a word, but if the context is clear enough to him, he could make himself understood with no problems, but if he gets an isolated sentence with no explanation, he might understand it ambiguously and he won't translate the real meaning from the original language. That's why you should always provide context when asking for a translator's help.
El context és el més important en una traducció. Un traductor pot oblidar una paraula, però si el context és prou clar per a ell, podria fer-se entendre sense problemes, però si rep una frase aïllada sense cap explicació, podria entendre-la ambiguament i no traduirà el significat real de la llengua original. És per això que sempre hauríeu de proporcionar context quan demaneu l'ajuda d'un traductor.
Your feedback is important and it will help us to know how we can provide the best service possible.
El teu feedback és important i ens ajudarà a saber com podem oferir el millor servei possible.
Unfortunately, Apple doesn't provide a warranty for accidental damages.
Malauradament, Apple no ofereix cap garantia per danys accidentals.
Many libraries also provide wireless local area network.
Moltes biblioteques també ofereixen xarxa d'àrea local sense fil.
Can we provide assistance?
Podem oferir assistència?
Aspirin can provide quick relief for a headache.
L'aspirina pot proporcionar un alleujament ràpid per a un mal de cap.
Bees provide us with honey.
Les abelles ens proporcionen mel.
Medicaid, a program originally created to provide medical care for poverty-level women and children, today spends almost a third of its budget on elderly people.
Medicaid, un programa creat originalment per oferir atenció mèdica a dones i nens de nivell de pobresa, avui gasta gairebé un terç del seu pressupost en persones grans.
He has a large family to provide for.
Té una família nombrosa per mantenir.
Parents must provide their children with proper food and clothing.
Els pares han de proporcionar als seus fills el menjar i la roba adequats.
The housewives provide their families with necessities.
Les mestresses de casa proporcionen a les seves famílies les necessitats.
We provide for disaster.
Nosaltres provem el desastre.
He will provide you with what you need.
Ell us proporcionarà el que necessiteu.
I have a large family to provide for.
Tinc una família nombrosa per mantenir.
My uncle has a large family to provide for.
El meu oncle té una família nombrosa per mantenir.
The families of the factory workers need schools, hospitals, and stores, so more people come to live in the area to provide these services, and thus a city grows.
Les famílies dels treballadors de les fàbriques necessiten escoles, hospitals i botigues, de manera que més gent ve a viure a la zona per oferir aquests serveis i, per tant, creix una ciutat.
Sheep provide us with wool.
Les ovelles ens proporcionen llana.
You must provide for a rainy day.
Cal preveure un dia plujós.
Cows provide us with milk.
Les vaques ens proporcionen llet.
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