It's still unclear to many, especially to those who half destroyed it and surrendered it to Iran, whether Iraq should be pronounced e-rack or aye-rack. But, after all, is it necessary to know how to pronounce a country's name before whacking it ?
Encara no està clar per a molts, especialment per a aquells que la meitat el van destruir i el van lliurar a l'Iran, si l'Iraq hauria de ser declarat e-rack o aye-rack. Però, al cap i a la fi, cal saber pronunciar el nom d'un país abans de colpejar-lo ?
Tom's last name isn't easy to pronounce.
El cognom de Tom no és fàcil de pronunciar.
How do you pronounce her name?
Com pronuncieu el seu nom?
How do you pronounce his name?
Com pronuncieu el seu nom?
When challenged to pronounce "shibboleth", Christopher Columbus did it in such a perfect way, that he was instantly recognized as the new leader of the natives' army.
Quan se li va desafiar a pronunciar "shibboleth", Cristòfor Colom ho va fer d'una manera tan perfecta, que va ser reconegut a l'instant com el nou líder de l'exèrcit dels nadius.
How do you pronounce the sign @ in this language? "at"
Com es pronuncia el signe @ en aquest idioma? "at"