The records of our company show a large profit for the year.
Els registres de la nostra empresa mostren un gran benefici per a l'any.
How to profit by this book as much as possible?
Com treure profit d’aquest llibre tant com sigui possible?
They netted a good profit.
Van obtenir un bon benefici.
What was your net profit last year?
Quin va ser el seu benefici net l’any passat?
You have to create problems to create profit.
Cal crear problemes per obtenir beneficis.
One won't profit by an insincere gift.
Un no es beneficiarà d'un regal poc sincer.
The profit will amount to three million dollars.
El benefici ascendirà a tres milions de dòlars.
You must not think about your immediate profit only.
No has de pensar només en el teu benefici immediat.
Net profit for the period is estimated at 100 billion yen, largely unchanged from the previous one.
El benefici net del període s'estima en 100.000 milions de iens, pràcticament sense canvis respecte a l'anterior.
He thinks of everything in terms of profit.
Pensen en tot en termes de beneficis.
Net profit for the period is estimated at 5 billion yen, largely unchanged from the previous one.
El benefici net del període s'estima en 5.000 milions de iens, pràcticament sense canvis respecte a l'anterior.
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