Have you already decided how you're going to take care of this problem?
Ja has decidit com t'ocuparàs d'aquest problema?
This problem is very simple.
Aquest problema és molt senzill.
I didn't realize the importance of that problem.
No em vaig adonar de la importància d'aquest problema.
The problem is that I don't remember where I've parked my car.
El problema és que no recordo on he aparcat el meu cotxe.
Tom realized that could be a problem.
Tom es va adonar que això podria ser un problema.
I've explained the problem to Tom.
Li he explicat el problema a en Tom.
The problem of roads repairing remains topical.
El problema de la reparació de carreteres segueix sent tòpic.
Do you know what caused the problem?
Sabeu què va causar el problema?
Our conclusion is based on previous studies into the problem.
La nostra conclusió es basa en estudis previs sobre el problema.
None of the students could solve the problem.
Cap dels alumnes ha pogut resoldre el problema.
John struggled to find out the answer to the physics problem.
John va lluitar per esbrinar la resposta al problema de la física.
Son, don't rack your brains over this problem, we'll solve it on our own.
Fill, no us tragueu el cervell per aquest problema, el resoldrem pel nostre compte.
I understood how to solve the problem.
Vaig entendre com resoldre el problema.
What's the problem?
Quin és el problema?
What's the problem?
Quin és el problema?
It was no problem.
No va ser cap problema.
It's not my problem.
No és el meu problema.
There's the problem.
Hi ha el problema.
The problem has been solved.
El problema s'ha resolt.
This could become a serious problem.
Això podria convertir-se en un problema greu.
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