After the meeting was over, everyone said goodbye and returned to the mystery of their private lives.
Un cop acabada la reunió, tothom es va acomiadar i va tornar al misteri de la seva vida privada.
Let's go somewhere private so we can talk.
Anem a un lloc privat per poder parlar.
Why don't we go somewhere private?
Per què no anem a algun lloc privat?
I have a private teacher.
Tinc un professor particular.
Tom works for me as my private secretary.
Tom treballa per a mi com a secretari privat.
I want to make a private visit.
Vull fer una visita privada.
I wish to speak to Tom in private.
Vull parlar amb en Tom en privat.
I must speak to you in private.
He de parlar amb tu en privat.
May I speak to you in private?
Puc parlar amb tu en privat?
Tom has a private jet.
Tom té un jet privat.
"He wants you particklar; no one else'll do, as the Devil's private secretary said ven he fetched avay Doctor Faustus," replied Mr. Weller.
"Ell vol que facis de particklar; ningú més ho farà, com va dir el secretari privat del Diable, venint d'aconseguir avay el doctor Faustus", va respondre el senyor Weller.
How is it possible to reconcile work and private life?
Com és possible conciliar la vida laboral i la privada?
She hired a private investigator.
Va contractar un investigador privat.
He hired a private investigator.
Va contractar un investigador privat.
Last year, the company was sold to private investors.
L'any passat, l'empresa es va vendre a inversors privats.
I wish to speak with you in private. Call me.
Vull parlar amb tu en privat. Truca'm.
You should assume that email messages aren't private.
Hauríeu de suposar que els missatges de correu electrònic no són privats.
Geoffrey, a highly advantaged student at a private college, bought a motorcycle and vanished with it.
Geoffrey, un estudiant molt afavorit d'una universitat privada, va comprar una motocicleta i va desaparèixer amb ella.
You are not allowed here. This is private property.