What are you doing with the rest of prepared rice?
Què fas amb la resta d’arròs preparat?
However, I think that before making the decision to arrange an international wedding, one should weigh the considerations for and against, and be prepared for the additional challenges that generally occur in the lives of the family members.
No obstant això, crec que abans de prendre la decisió d'organitzar un casament internacional, cal ponderar les consideracions a favor i en contra, i estar preparat per als reptes addicionals que generalment es produeixen en la vida dels membres de la família.
You have to be prepared for anything.
Cal estar preparat per a qualsevol cosa.
Is Tom prepared?
Està preparat en Tom?
I’m totally prepared for my spree.
Estic totalment preparat per a la meva juerga.
The citizens immediately prepared everything to defend the city.
Els ciutadans de seguida ho van preparar tot per defensar la ciutat.
Be prepared.
Estigueu preparats.
Have you prepared everything for tomorrow?
Ho heu preparat tot per demà?
Have you prepared everything for tomorrow?
Ho heu preparat tot per demà?
Be prepared!
Estigueu preparats!
We have to be prepared.
Hem d'estar preparats.
Tom tasted the food Mary had prepared.
Tom va tastar el menjar que la Mary havia preparat.
Tom hadn't been prepared for that.
Tom no havia estat preparat per a això.
Tom prepared dinner by himself.
Tom va preparar el sopar sol.
Tom was well prepared for the exam.
Tom estava ben preparat per a l'examen.
Is the patient prepared for surgery?
El pacient està preparat per a la cirurgia?
About today's packed-lunch, the menus prepared by Itsuki and Tanaka are low in beta-carotene-rich vegetables again aren't they?
Sobre el dinar envasat d'avui, els menús preparats per Itsuki i Tanaka tornen a tenir verdures riques en betacarotè?
Some residents took a wait-and-see attitude while others prepared for heavy flooding.
Alguns residents van adoptar una actitud d'espera i veure mentre que altres es preparaven per a fortes inundacions.