Mary helped her mother prepare dinner.
Maria va ajudar a la seva mare a preparar el sopar.
How should I prepare for a trip to a foreign country?
Com puc preparar-me per a un viatge a un país estranger?
You'd better prepare Tom for the news.
És millor que prepareu Tom per a les notícies.
It's time to prepare dinner.
És hora de preparar el sopar.
I'll prepare some food.
Prepararé una mica de menjar.
I'll prepare something.
Prepararé alguna cosa.
I need time to prepare.
Necessito temps per preparar-me.
I need more time to prepare.
Necessito més temps per preparar-me.
Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.
Esperança pel millor; prepara't per al pitjor.
I don't plan to hang out tonight. I need to prepare for my lessons.
No tinc previst passar l'estona aquesta nit. M’he de preparar per a les meves lliçons.
Mary asked Tom to turn off the computer and prepare dinner.
La Mary va demanar a Tom que apagués l'ordinador i preparés el sopar.
I have to prepare the breakfast.
He de preparar l'esmorzar.
I like to prepare the table.
M’agrada preparar la taula.
We need to prepare for the worst.
Ens hem de preparar per al pitjor.
They began to prepare for possible hostilities.
Van començar a preparar-se per a possibles hostilitats.
How do they prepare this fish in France?
Com es prepara aquest peix a França?
I have to prepare for the English test.
M'he de preparar per a la prova d'anglès.
Please prepare for the trip.
Prepareu-vos per al viatge.
Every morning she helps her mother to prepare breakfast in the kitchen.
Cada matí ajuda a la seva mare a preparar l'esmorzar a la cuina.
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