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IPA : /pɔɪntɪd/
Tom pointed at the restaurant across the street.
Tom va assenyalar el restaurant de l'altra banda del carrer.
Mr. Kennedy pointed out our mistakes.
Kennedy va assenyalar els nostres errors.
Cats have pointed ears.
Els gats tenen les orelles punxegudes.
She pointed at him.
Ella el va assenyalar.
Tom pointed out some problems.
Tom va assenyalar alguns problemes.
Tom pointed towards the mountain.
Tom va apuntar cap a la muntanya.
She pointed her finger at him.
Ella li va apuntar el dit.
The burglar pointed his gun at the victim.
El lladre va apuntar la seva arma a la víctima.
Once, when I went to my friend Kawai's house, he fired a pistol. He thought it was not loaded and pointed it at my mouth, but it was and the bullet grazed my ear before hitting the closet.
Una vegada, quan vaig anar a casa del meu amic Kawai, va disparar una pistola. Va pensar que no estava carregat i em va apuntar a la boca, però ho va ser i la bala em va tocar l'orella abans de colpejar l'armari.
The teacher pointed out the grammatical errors made by the students.
El professor va assenyalar els errors gramaticals comesos pels alumnes.
The teacher pointed her finger at me and asked me to go with her.
La professora em va apuntar el dit i em va demanar que anés amb ella.
The teacher pointed her finger at me and asked me to come with her.
La professora em va apuntar el dit i em va demanar que vingués amb ella.
He pointed out that the plan would cost a lot of money.
Va assenyalar que el pla costaria molts diners.
I pointed my camera at her.
Li vaig apuntar la càmera.
Jim pointed out some grammatical mistakes in my composition.
Jim va assenyalar alguns errors gramaticals en la meva composició.
I pointed out that he was mistaken about the matter.
Vaig assenyalar que s'equivocava amb l'assumpte.
The child pointed out her mother to me.
El nen em va assenyalar la seva mare.
Tom pointed out some problems.
Tom va assenyalar alguns problemes.
Tom pointed towards the mountain.
Tom va apuntar cap a la muntanya.
She pointed her finger at him.
Ella li va apuntar el dit.
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