You wrote a splendid text. There is no doubt that you have the heart of a poet and a great talent.
Has escrit un text esplèndid. No hi ha dubte que tens el cor d'un poeta i un gran talent.
The poet gave the girl a rose.
El poeta va donar una rosa a la noia.
Allan is a poet.
Allan és poeta.
No matter how drunk you were, Goethe was a poet!
Per molt borratxo que estiguessis, Goethe era poeta!
She isn't much of a poet.
No és gaire poeta.
A poet can survive everything but a misprint.
Un poeta pot sobreviure a tot menys a un error d'impressió.
Basho was the greatest poet.
Basho va ser el poeta més gran.
He hoped to find fame as a poet.
Esperava trobar fama com a poeta.
He is not so much a poet as a novelist.
No és tant poeta com novel · lista.
He is nothing but a poet.
No és més que un poeta.
He is known as a great poet.
És conegut com un gran poeta.
He is anything but a poet.
És qualsevol cosa menys un poeta.
I think he is something of a poet.
Crec que és una mena de poeta.
He is not a poet but a novelist.
No és poeta, sinó novel · lista.
I regard him as a poet.
El considero un poeta.
D.H. Lawrence is a novelist and poet.
DH. Lawrence és un novel·lista i poeta.
Who is the greatest poet in England?
Qui és el poeta més gran d'Anglaterra?
This is the house in which the poet lived in his childhood.
Aquesta és la casa on va viure el poeta durant la seva infantesa.
This is the village where the poet was born.
Aquest és el poble on va néixer el poeta.
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