The water ran down the rain pipe.
L'aigua baixava per la canonada de pluja.
The sewer pipe exploded.
La canonada de clavegueram va explotar.
There's а leak in that pipe.
Hi ha una fuita ⁇ en aquesta canonada.
You'll have a hard time getting pipe tobacco here.
Et costarà aconseguir tabac de pipa aquí.
I'll have to get a new exhaust pipe for the car.
Hauré d'aconseguir un tub d'escapament nou per al cotxe.
I'll never come back. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
No tornaré mai més. Posa-ho a la teva pipa i fuma'l!
Water was coming out of the damaged pipe.
L'aigua sortia de la canonada danyada.
The old iron pipe was full of rust.
L'antiga canonada de ferro estava plena d'òxid.
There was damage to the pipe.
Hi va haver danys a la canonada.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Posa-ho a la teva pipa i fuma'l!
They blocked the flow of water from the burst pipe.
Van bloquejar el flux d'aigua de la canonada de ràfega.
He was sitting there with a pipe in his mouth.
Estava assegut allà amb una pipa a la boca.
He spoke with a pipe in his mouth.
Va parlar amb una pipa a la boca.
He sat there smoking a pipe.
Es va asseure allà fumant una pipa.
The pipe conveys water from the lake to the factory.
La canonada transporta l'aigua del llac a la fàbrica.
The rain-water runs off through this pipe.
L'aigua de pluja passa per aquesta canonada.
If you have something to say, say it now or pipe down.
Si teniu alguna cosa a dir, digueu-ho ara o abaixeu-vos.
The sewer pipe exploded.
La canonada de clavegueram va explotar.
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