She isn't answering her phone.
No respon al seu telèfon.
I doubt that Tom knows Mary's phone number.
Dubto que en Tom conegui el número de telèfon de la Mary.
I wonder if Tom knows Mary's phone number.
Em pregunto si en Tom coneix el número de telèfon de la Mary.
Mary's phone was confiscated because she was caught texting during class.
El telèfon de Mary va ser confiscat perquè la van atrapar enviant missatges de text durant la classe.
Mary's phone was confiscated by a teacher.
El telèfon de Mary va ser confiscat per un professor.
I woke up when the phone rang.
Em vaig despertar quan va sonar el telèfon.
I was having a bath when the phone rang.
Estava prenent un bany quan va sonar el telèfon.
I have a very important issue to you. An issue that can't be addressed on the phone. Can we meet?
Tinc un tema molt important per a tu. Un problema que no es pot abordar per telèfon. Ens podem conèixer?
Can you give me your phone number?
Em pots donar el teu número de telèfon?
She looked at her cell phone and noticed that it was already a quarter till two.
Va mirar el seu mòbil i es va adonar que ja era d'un quart a dos.
How many phone numbers has she got?
Quants números de telèfon té?
Was that my phone ringing?
Va sonar el meu telèfon?
I phone her every evening.
Li truco cada vespre.
Here is my phone number and email.
Aquí teniu el meu número de telèfon i el meu correu electrònic.
Tom is on the phone with Mary now.
Tom està parlant per telèfon amb Mary ara.
Your phone is ringing, answer it please.
El teu telèfon sona, contesta-ho si us plau.
Does she know your phone number?
Coneix el teu número de telèfon?
I'm waiting for a phone call.
Estic esperant una trucada telefònica.
I'm not going to give you my phone number.
No et donaré el meu número de telèfon.
She would have called me if she had had my phone number.
M'hauria trucat si hagués tingut el meu número de telèfon.
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