Do you think anybody would pay more than thirty dollars for this?
Creus que algú pagaria més de trenta dòlars per això?
So, my enemy, I won't let you attempt on the holy of holies of my heart, you will pay for it, I promise.
Per tant, enemic meu, no us deixaré intentar el sant dels sants del meu cor, ho pagareu, us ho prometo.
How much rent do you pay for the apartment?
Quant de lloguer pagues per l'apartament?
Our receipts for the month will just pay these expenses.
Els nostres rebuts del mes només pagaran aquestes despeses.
Tom asked for a raise in pay.
Tom va demanar un augment de sou.
Tom didn't pay attention to what Mary said.
Tom no va prestar atenció al que va dir Mary.
"You're here to pay your taxes?" "Not quite." "Gwonam! I thought you were on vacation!"
"Estàs aquí per pagar els teus impostos?" "No del tot." "Gwonam! Vaig pensar que estaves de vacances!"
I forgot to pay the electric bill.
Em vaig oblidar de pagar la factura elèctrica.
Did Tom forget to pay?
Tom es va oblidar de pagar?
Do you pay attention to what I say?
Presteu atenció al que dic?
You don't have to pay attention to what Tom says.
No cal parar atenció al que diu en Tom.
You couldn't pay me to do that.
No em podies pagar per fer-ho.
How much did you pay for your car?
Quant pagues pel teu cotxe?
This machine will pay for itself in no time.
Aquesta màquina es pagarà per si mateixa en molt poc temps.
We ought to pay Tom a visit before he leaves.
Hauríem de fer una visita a Tom abans de marxar.
Give me thirty dollars now and I'll pay you back Monday.
Dóna'm trenta dòlars ara i et tornaré dilluns.
He wasn't only fined, he also had to pay for damages.
No només va ser multat, sinó que també va haver de pagar els danys.
How much did you pay for the labor on this?
Quant pagues per la feina en això?
How much interest does it pay?
Quants interessos paga?
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