Can I come to your party tonight?
Puc venir a la teva festa aquesta nit?
I asked Tom why he wasn't at the party last night.
Li vaig preguntar a Tom per què no estava a la festa ahir a la nit.
That was the most successful party we've ever had.
Aquesta va ser la festa més exitosa que hem tingut mai.
How many people are at your party?
Quantes persones hi ha a la teva festa?
Which party won the last election?
Quin partit va guanyar les darreres eleccions?
I went to a big dinner party last night.
Ahir a la nit vaig anar a un gran sopar.
Cleaning up after the party was no picnic.
Netejar després de la festa no va ser un pícnic.
Let's have а party for Tom before he goes.
Fem una festa ⁇ per a Tom abans que se'n vagi.
They couldn't prove Tom was a party to the crime.
No van poder demostrar que Tom fos part del crim.
Tom certainly cut loose at that party.
Sens dubte, Tom es va deixar anar en aquella festa.
Tom considered it an insult not to be invited to the party.
Tom va considerar que era un insult no ser convidat a la festa.
I don't want to go to much expense for this party.
No vull fer gaires despeses per aquest partit.
I'm really looking forward to my birthday party.
Tinc moltes ganes de la meva festa d'aniversari.
I tried to make an inconspicuous exit from the party.
Vaig intentar fer una sortida discreta de la festa.
I hope you enjoyed yourself at the party.
Espero que us hagi agradat a la festa.
I saw Tom and Mary at a party together.
Vaig veure en Tom i la Mary en una festa junts.
I met Tom at a party.
Vaig conèixer en Tom en una festa.
I made a list of people I wanted to invite to my party.
Vaig fer una llista de persones que volia convidar a la meva festa.
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