Don't believe everything you hear on the news.
No et creguis tot el que escoltes a les notícies.
How did Tom respond to that news?
Com va respondre Tom a aquesta notícia?
The news was radioed to us.
La notícia ens ha estat comunicada per ràdio.
Why was this news released?
Per què es va donar a conèixer aquesta notícia?
You should've heard the family's reaction when I told them the good news.
Hauries d'haver sentit la reacció de la família quan els vaig dir la bona notícia.
Have you heard any news from Australia?
Has sentit alguna notícia d'Austràlia?
She became pale after hearing the news.
Es va posar pàl·lida després d'escoltar la notícia.
Bad news arrives earlier than good one.
Les males notícies arriben abans que les bones.
There are many misleading news articles nowadays.
Actualment hi ha molts articles de notícies enganyosos.
The news put an end to our hopes.
La notícia va posar fi a les nostres esperances.
You'd better prepare Tom for the news.
És millor que prepareu Tom per a les notícies.
I have some bad news for you.
Tinc males notícies per a tu.
What's the latest news?
Quines són les últimes notícies?
The news never tells the truth, and the truth is never news.
La notícia mai diu la veritat, i la veritat mai és notícia.
I haven't been following the news lately.
No he estat seguint les notícies últimament.
That's the first good news we've had in a long time.
Aquesta és la primera bona notícia que hem tingut en molt de temps.
No news is good news.
Cap notícia és una bona notícia.
The man is mourning after the sad news.
L'home està de dol després de la trista notícia.
He started crying as soon as he heard the news.
Va començar a plorar tan bon punt va saber la notícia.
I watch the news every evening.
Cada vespre miro les notícies.
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