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IPA : /nem/
Tom's son's name is John.
El fill d'en Tom es diu John.
My name is Tom and I'm an addict.
Em dic Tom i sóc addicte.
Your face is familiar, but I can't recall your name.
La teva cara és familiar, però no recordo el teu nom.
Your name is definitely not on the list.
El seu nom no està a la llista.
The police officer asked me what my name was.
L'agent de policia em va preguntar quin era el meu nom.
One's own name is the sweetest and the most important sound in the world for anybody.
El propi nom és el so més dolç i important del món per a qualsevol.
Mention the name of the man you're talking to. It makes everyone feel important and accepted.
Esmenta el nom de l'home amb qui estàs parlant. Això fa que tothom se senti important i acceptat.
Oh [name redacted], I've come to take an account of your virtues. I've come here to say, indeed, that you have none.
Oh [nom redactat], he vingut a tenir en compte les vostres virtuts. He vingut aquí per dir, de fet, que no en tens.
"Have you talked to Tom?" "Everybody's name is Tom here! Which one do you need?" "The one that is Mary's friend!"
"Has parlat amb en Tom?" "Tothom es diu Tom aquí! Quin necessites?" "El que és amic de Maria!"
Tom thought his violin was a Stradivarius because the name Stradivarius was on the label inside his violin.
Tom va pensar que el seu violí era un Stradivarius perquè el nom Stradivarius estava a l'etiqueta dins del seu violí.
All those I didn't call by name, go outside.
Tots els que no vaig trucar pel seu nom, sortiu.
Give a man some bread, and he'll be full for a day. Give a man the name of Full, and he'll be full forever.
Dóna-li una mica de pa a un home i estarà ple durant un dia. Dóna a un home el nom de Full, i estarà ple per sempre.
Anyone knows his own name, but nobody remembers his own face.
Algú sap el seu propi nom, però ningú recorda la seva pròpia cara.
Put down your name and address.
Deixi el seu nom i adreça.
What's the name of the piece the orchestra's playing?
Quin és el nom de la peça que toca l'orquestra?
What's the name of the girl we saw at the festival that day?
Quin és el nom de la noia que vam veure al festival aquell dia?
What's that girl's name who we saw that day at the festival?
Com es diu aquella noia que vam veure aquell dia al festival?
I know him, but I don't know his name.
El conec, però no sé el seu nom.
The police will release the victim's name after they have notified his next of kin.
La policia alliberarà el nom de la víctima després d'haver notificat als seus familiars.
I like your last name, can I have it?
M'agrada el teu cognom, el puc tenir?
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