Tom was an astute businessman who made a lot of money.
Tom era un home de negocis astut que guanyava molts diners.
Tom was caught stealing money from the cash register.
Tom va ser atrapat robant diners de la caixa registradora.
My mother has taught me not to waste money.
La meva mare m'ha ensenyat a no malgastar diners.
They earn enough money in one week to buy a house.
Guanyen prou diners en una setmana per comprar una casa.
I invested my money in a bank.
Vaig invertir els meus diners en un banc.
Here's your money. Now we're quits.
Aquí teniu els vostres diners. Ara estem en dubte.
I don't have much ready money.
No tinc diners preparats.
I invested all my money and then found out their business was a racket.
Vaig invertir tots els meus diners i després vaig descobrir que el seu negoci era una raqueta.
They'll refund your money if you're not satisfied.
Et reemborsaran els diners si no estàs satisfet.
Tom has quite a lot of money in the bank.
Tom té molts diners al banc.
Tom raked in money during the war.
Tom va recaptar diners durant la guerra.
You can be sure this money will be put to good use.
Podeu estar segurs que aquests diners es faran servir.
Tom contributed a lot of money to the charity.
Tom va aportar molts diners a la caritat.
Liza spends all her money on clothes.
La Liza gasta tots els seus diners en roba.
Tom might have borrowed the money he needed from someone else.
Tom podria haver manllevat els diners que necessitava d'una altra persona.
Boy, you've got some nerve showing up in my castle unannounced. But you haven't paid your taxes in a month, so I have no money for dinner this morning!
Noi, tens algun nervi que apareix al meu castell sense anunciar-te. Però no has pagat els teus impostos en un mes, així que aquest matí no tinc diners per sopar!
"Your Majesty, you are evil!" "I'm evil to the people who spend all my money on junk like faulty maps!"
"La teva Majestat, ets malvat!" "Sóc malvat per a la gent que gasta tots els meus diners en ferralla com mapes defectuosos!"