Tom came too early because of a misunderstanding.
Tom va arribar massa aviat a causa d'un malentès.
This is all a big misunderstanding.
Tot això és un gran malentès.
It's a misunderstanding.
És un malentès.
It's all just a misunderstanding.
Tot és un malentès.
It's all just a big misunderstanding.
Tot és un malentès.
What he said has brought about a misunderstanding.
El que va dir ha provocat un malentès.
Their quarrel sprung from misunderstanding.
La seva baralla va sorgir d'un malentès.
This problem arose from the mutual misunderstanding.
Aquest problema va sorgir del malentès mutu.
I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.
No vull que hi hagi cap malentès.
I think there has been some misunderstanding here.
Crec que aquí hi ha hagut algun malentès.
This problem arose from the mutual misunderstanding.
Aquest problema va sorgir del malentès mutu.
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