In the after-life, Tom became a polyglot. He speaks languages that are missing from the list of languages on Tatoeba, for example: Bashkir, Mari, Udmurt, and many others.
En el més enllà, Tom es va convertir en políglota. Parla idiomes que falten a la llista d'idiomes del tatoeba, per exemple: bashkir, mari, udmurt i molts altres.
He's been looking for the missing cat all day.
Ha estat buscant el gat desaparegut tot el dia.
There's a piece missing from the machine.
Falta una peça a la màquina.
Tom was listed among the missing.
Tom figurava entre els desapareguts.
Is anything missing from your wallet?
Li falta alguna cosa a la cartera?
Two pages are missing from this book.
Falten dues pàgines d'aquest llibre.
The police have given up looking for the missing child.
La policia ha deixat de buscar el nen desaparegut.
You don't know what you're missing.
No saps el que et falta.
There's an apostrophe missing. "It's and "its" are different." -- I know. It was a typing error.
Falta un apòstrof. "És i "ells" són diferents." - ho sé. Va ser un error d'escriptura.
Nothing's missing.
No falta res.
The period is missing at the end of the sentence.
Falta el termini al final de la sentència.
The full stop is missing at the end of the sentence.
Falta el punt final al final de la frase.
Three people are missing after the flood.
Tres persones desaparegudes després de la inundació.
This was missing.
Això faltava.
Tom is missing.
Tom ha desaparegut.
Something's missing.
Falta alguna cosa.
How many spoons are missing?
Quantes culleres falten?
Think of everything that you have, and not on the only thing that you are missing.
Penseu en tot el que teniu, i no en l'únic que us falta.
Please notify me by e-mail about any bugs found or missing functions that you want to be included in future versions of the BMI calculator.
Si us plau, notifiqueu-me per correu electrònic sobre qualsevol error trobat o falta de funcions que voleu incloure en futures versions de la calculadora d'IMC.