The dog kept barking at his reflection in the mirror.
El gos va seguir bordant al seu reflex al mirall.
How many times a day do you look at your reflection in the mirror?
Quantes vegades al dia mires el teu reflex al mirall?
I'd like to buy a small mirror.
M'agradaria comprar un petit mirall.
Look in the mirror.
Mira al mirall.
I saw my reflection in the mirror.
Vaig veure el meu reflex al mirall.
Having broken the mirror, Roksolana grew worried: she believed in omens, and a broken mirror promised her seven unhappy years.
Després d'haver trencat el mirall, Roksolana es va preocupar: creia en els presagis, i un mirall trencat li va prometre set anys infeliços.
Life is a mirror!
La vida és un mirall!
A second mirror is hanging next to the door.
Un segon mirall està penjat al costat de la porta.
Where's a mirror?
On és un mirall?
An ancient bronze mirror studded with glass beads was discovered in the tomb looted by the robbers centuries ago.
A la tomba saquejada pels lladres fa segles es va descobrir un antic mirall de bronze amb perles de vidre.
The eye is the mirror of the soul.
L’ull és el mirall de l’ànima.
She forgave me for breaking her mirror.
Em va perdonar haver-me trencat el mirall.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
Es va mirar al mirall.
She stood before the mirror.
Es va quedar davant del mirall.
She was brushing her hair in front of a mirror.
Es raspallava els cabells davant d'un mirall.
He took a mirror and carefully examined his tongue.
Va agafar un mirall i li va examinar acuradament la llengua.
Clean the mirror.
Neteja el mirall.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who in the land is fairest of all?" And then the mirror would always reply: "You, my queen, are fairest of all."
"Mirror, mirall a la paret. Qui a la terra és el més just de tots?" I aleshores el mirall sempre responia: "Tu, la meva reina, ets el més just de tots."
I can see myself in the mirror.
Em veig al mirall.
The calm surface reflected her features like a mirror.
La superfície tranquil·la reflectia els seus trets com un mirall.