You'd better have it patented before you put it on the market.
És millor tenir-lo patentat abans de posar-lo al mercat.
In addition, we are looking for an consultant who can assist us in leveraging their expertise of the market to acquire product from manufacturers in the area.
A més, busquem un consultor que ens ajudi a aprofitar la seva experiència en el mercat per adquirir productes de fabricants de la zona.
There's fruit and meat in this market.
Hi ha fruita i carn en aquest mercat.
100% of foreign investors working in Kazakhstan consider it the most attractive market in the CIS.
El 100% dels inversors estrangers que treballen a Kazakhstan el consideren el mercat més atractiu de la CEI.
We are going to the market.
Anem al mercat.
Two firms compete with each other for market leadership.
Dues empreses competeixen entre elles pel lideratge del mercat.
Grandma went to the market to buy food for the family.
L'àvia va anar al mercat a comprar menjar per a la família.
Within one year, the stock market collapsed.
En un any, la borsa es va enfonsar.
The people don't buy milk at this market.
La gent no compra llet en aquest mercat.
The girl buys milk at the market.
La noia compra llet al mercat.
For years he is at the market every Tuesday morning with his fish stall.
Durant anys està al mercat tots els dimarts al matí amb la seva parada de peix.