Don't trust him. He's always lying. He lies about everything.
No confiïs en ell. Sempre menteix. Ell menteix sobre tot.
He was lying by intent.
Mentia amb intenció.
Everyone knows Tom is lying.
Tothom sap que Tom menteix.
Do you think Tom is lying?
Creus que en Tom menteix?
Because he received no answer, he started running and shoved the ghost down the stairs, so that it rolled down ten steps and then remained motionless lying in the corner.
Com que no va rebre resposta, va començar a córrer i va empènyer el fantasma per les escales, de manera que va rodar deu graons i després es va mantenir immòbil estirat a la cantonada.
Tom is lying in bed with a cold.
Tom està estirat al llit amb un refredat.
Tom believes that Mary is lying.
Tom creu que la Mary menteix.
The factory has been lying idle for a year.
La fàbrica fa un any que està inactiva.
There's no doubt that Tom is lying about it.
No hi ha dubte que Tom està mentint al respecte.
What are you lying around for? Go for a walk.
Per a què estàs estirat? Anar a passejar.
Tom was lying when he said he didn't know Mary.
Tom estava mentint quan va dir que no coneixia la Mary.