Hey, did anybody lose their keys?
Algú ha perdut les claus?
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.
Els proletaris no tenen res a perdre, sinó les seves cadenes.
Tom wants to know how he can lose weight.
Tom vol saber com pot perdre pes.
"What can you lose by showing yourself to others?" "My advantange over them."
"Què pots perdre mostrant-te als altres?" "El meu avantatge sobre ells."
It's easy to lose your footing on loose gravel.
És fàcil perdre el peu amb grava solta.
How much did you lose this time?
Quant has perdut aquesta vegada?
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!
Estic a punt de perdre el control i crec que m'agrada!
Don't lose hope.
No perdis l'esperança.
I don't want to lose any more time.
No vull perdre més temps.
There's no time to lose.
No hi ha temps per perdre.
Do you know how it feels to lose an old friend?
Saps com se sent perdre un vell amic?
I always lose.
Sempre perdo.
I want Tom to lose.
Vull que Tom perdi.
I want you to lose.
Vull que perdis.
Tom wanted to lose weight.
Tom volia perdre pes.
Mencius said, 'A great man is the one who does not lose his heart of a child.'
Mencius va dir: "Un gran home és qui no perd el cor d'un nen.'
I suppose we have nothing to lose.
Suposo que no tenim res a perdre.
I do hope we don't lose.
Espero que no perdem.
What do we have to lose?
Què hem de perdre?
I don't want to lose my girlfriend.
No vull perdre la meva xicota.
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