Last time he told me he'd lend me that book the next day
L'última vegada em va dir que em prestaria aquest llibre l'endemà
Don't lend books; no one gives them back. The only books that are still left in my library are ones that I have borrowed from other people.
No deixis llibres; ningú els retorna. Els únics llibres que encara queden a la meva biblioteca són els que he manllevat d'altres persones.
Tom, could you lend me ten dollars?
Tom, em podries prestar deu dòlars?
Could you lend me your pink pen, please?
Em podries prestar el teu bolígraf rosa, si us plau?
I can't lend this book to you.
No puc donar-te aquest llibre.
The people I lend money to never pay me back.
La gent que presto diners per no tornar-me mai més.
I can lend you some money if you need some.
Et puc prestar diners si en necessites.
Would you lend me a pencil?
Em prestaríeu un llapis?
Tom thinks it's better not to lend Mary any money.
Tom creu que és millor no prestar diners a Mary.
Can you lend me a stapler?
Em pots donar un grapador?
Would you lend your dictionary to me?
Em donaries el diccionari?
Would you lend me your bicycle?
Em prestaràs la teva bicicleta?
I persuaded my mother to lend me her car.
Vaig convèncer la meva mare perquè em prestés el seu cotxe.
Could you lend me some money?
Em podries prestar diners?
The other day he said to me, "I will lend you this book tomorrow."
L'altre dia em va dir: "Em prestaré aquest llibre demà."
Will you lend a hand, Taro?
Li donaràs un cop de mà, Taro?
Hurry. Please lend me a hand.
Afanya't. Si us plau, dóna'm un cop de mà.
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