We had to retain a lawyer.
Vam haver de contractar un advocat.
Can you recommend a good lawyer?
Es pot recomanar un bon advocat?
If you can't afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you.
Si no us podeu permetre un advocat, se us designarà un.
Tom's sister paved the way for him to become a lawyer.
La germana d'en Tom li va obrir el camí per convertir-se en advocat.
He is a successful lawyer.
És un advocat d'èxit.
I have the right to call my lawyer.
Tinc dret a trucar al meu advocat.
The lawyer decided to appeal the case.
L'advocat va decidir recórrer el cas.
I need a lawyer who can speak French.
Necessito un advocat que parli francès.
I think you need a lawyer.
Crec que necessites un advocat.
I need a good lawyer.
Necessito un bon advocat.
I know you hired a lawyer.
Sé que vas contractar un advocat.
"How do you get a lawyer out of a tree?" "Cut the rope".
"Com treu un advocat d'un arbre?" "Talla la corda".
I can recommend a good lawyer.
Puc recomanar un bon advocat.
I don't need a lawyer.
No necessito un advocat.
Tom is my lawyer.
Tom és el meu advocat.
Where's my lawyer?
On és el meu advocat?
I want to speak to my lawyer.
Vull parlar amb el meu advocat.
I know a good lawyer who can help you.
Conec un bon advocat que et pot ajudar.
I want to talk with my lawyer.
Vull parlar amb el meu advocat.
If you can't get a lawyer who knows the law, get one who knows the judge.
Si no pots aconseguir un advocat que conegui la llei, aconsegueix un que conegui el jutge.
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