I'd like you to tell Tom not to be late.
M'agradaria que li diguessis a Tom que no arribés tard.
Unfortunately, I'm late.
Malauradament, arribo tard.
Alas, I was late.
Per desgràcia, vaig arribar tard.
It's quite clear that Tom is going to be late.
Està molt clar que Tom arribarà tard.
We will stay at home rather than get there so late.
Ens quedarem a casa en lloc d'arribar-hi tan tard.
You're ten minutes late.
Tens deu minuts de retard.
What made him leave his home and run away late at night?
Què el va fer sortir de casa i fugir a la nit?
You should apologize to her for coming late.
Hauríeu de demanar-li disculpes per arribar tard.
The meeting continued late into the night.
La reunió va continuar fins ben entrada la nit.
She went to bed late last night.
Ahir a la nit es va anar a dormir.
Hurry or we'll be late.
Afanya't o arribarem tard.
I'll be there, although I may be late.
Hi seré, encara que sigui tard.
I'm afraid it's too late.
Em temo que és massa tard.
You are coming home late, right?
Tornes tard a casa, oi?
I'll be a bit late. Keep dinner warm for me.
arribaré una mica tard. Mantingueu el sopar calent per a mi.
He worked until late at night.
Va treballar fins ben entrada la nit.
Tom worked until late at night.
Tom va treballar fins ben entrada la nit.
I'm in the habit of sleeping late on Sundays.
Tinc el costum de dormir tard els diumenges.
You're so late.
Ets tan tard.
I was late, right?
Vaig arribar tard, oi?
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