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Translation of "known" into Catalan
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IPA : /noʊn/
If I'd known Tom was going to be in Boston, I'd have told you.
Si hagués sabut que Tom anava a estar a Boston, t'ho hauria dit.
If I'd known where Tom was, I'd have told you.
Si hagués sabut on era en Tom, t'ho hauria dit.
It's long been known that spoken language is the most difficult to be translated.
Fa temps que se sap que la llengua parlada és la més difícil de traduir.
Sooner or later secrets become widely known.
Els secrets tard o d'hora es fan molt coneguts.
Wait until all the facts in the case are known.
Espereu fins que es coneguin tots els fets del cas.
We've known each other for years.
Fa anys que ens coneixem.
I wish I had known.
M'agradaria haver-ho sabut.
I've always known it.
Sempre ho he sabut.
Because thou sayest — I am rich, and have grown rich, and have need of nothing, and hast not known that thou art the wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
Perquè dius —, sóc ric i m'he enriquit, i no necessites res, i no has sabut que ets el miserable, miserable, pobre, cec i nu.
It seems that I have known you all my life.
Sembla que t'he conegut tota la vida.
Jehovah's Witnesses are known for their door-to-door preaching.
Els Testimonis de Jehovà són coneguts per la seva predicació porta a porta.
If I had only known before!
Si només ho hagués sabut abans!
A person who follows Islam is known as a Muslim.
Una persona que segueix l'Islam és coneguda com a musulmana.
She's well known as a singer.
És molt coneguda com a cantant.
And I give my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I have known that even this is vexation of spirit; for, in abundance of wisdom is abundance of sadness, and he who addeth knowledge addeth pain.
I dono el meu cor per conèixer la saviesa, i per conèixer la bogeria i la bogeria: He sabut que fins i tot això és vexació d'esperit; perquè, en abundància de saviesa, hi ha abundància de tristesa, i qui afegeix coneixement afegeix dolor.
As is known, the first to give in is smarter. It's easier for an adult man than a teenager to do it. The victory over your own child won't embellish you.
Com se sap, el primer a cedir és més intel·ligent. És més fàcil per a un home adult que per a un adolescent fer-ho. La victòria sobre el teu propi fill no t'embellirà.
Through this sentence, the author was making it known to Tom and Mary that their destiny was escaping him, as he didn't understand the deep meaning of his own sentences.
A través d'aquesta frase, l'autor va fer saber a Tom i Mary que el seu destí l'estava escapant, ja que no entenia el significat profund de les seves pròpies frases.
Tom should've known better.
Tom ho hauria d'haver sabut millor.
How long have you known Tom?
Quant de temps fa que coneixes en Tom?
Tom has known Mary since childhood.
Tom coneix la Mary des de petit.
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