The kitten wants to sleep.
El gatet vol dormir.
The kitten is taking a nap.
El gatet està fent una migdiada.
My daugther wants a kitten.
El meu daugther vol un gatet.
The kitten is between the puppies.
El gatet es troba entre els cadells.
She called the kitten "Jaguar".
Va anomenar el gatet "Jaguar".
In the end she chose another kitten.
Al final va triar un altre gatet.
But if you put the kitten between the whales, he'll be warm.
Però si poses el gatet entre les balenes, estarà calent.
The kitten was drinking milk under the table.
El gatet bevia llet sota la taula.
She quickly shut the kitten into a basket.
Ràpidament va tancar el gatet en una cistella.
I named the kitten Tama.
Vaig anomenar el gatet Tama.
The kitten couldn't get down from the tree.
El gatet no podia baixar de l'arbre.
The kitten wanted in.
El gatet volia entrar.
Every day grandfather and grandmother gave the kitten plenty of milk, and soon the kitten grew nice and plump.
Cada dia l'avi i l'àvia donaven al gatet molta llet, i aviat el gatet es feia agradable i gruixut.
Finally, she chose another kitten.
Finalment, va triar un altre gatet.
The tiger cub looked like a large kitten.
El cadell de tigre semblava un gatet gran.
Did she hurt that kitten?
Va fer mal a aquell gatet?
Finally, she chose another kitten.
Finalment, va triar un altre gatet.
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