"Link, I need you." "Finally! I'll take off my clothes!" "Not in that sense, silly. Today is father's birthday!" "The King has a birthday?!" "Yes. You'll be in charge of the decorations and I'll invite the guests!"
"Enllaç, et necessito." "Finalment! Em trauré la roba!" "En aquest sentit, ximple. Avui és l'aniversari del pare!" "El rei té un aniversari?!" "Sí. Estaràs a càrrec de les decoracions i convidaré els convidats!"
I want to invite you to dinner.
Vull convidar-te a sopar.
I made a list of people I wanted to invite to my party.
Vaig fer una llista de persones que volia convidar a la meva festa.
They did not invite me to their wedding.
No em van convidar al seu casament.
I couldn't invite him. We're not well acquainted.
No el vaig poder convidar. No estem ben familiaritzats.
We plan to invite both Tom and Mary.
Tenim previst convidar tant en Tom com en Mary.
Thanks for the invite.
Gràcies per la invitació.
You may invite any person who wants to come.
Pots convidar a qualsevol persona que vulgui venir.
She telephoned to invite me to her house.
Va trucar per convidar-me a casa seva.
Should we invite Dante to the party? No way!
Hem de convidar a Dante a la festa? De cap manera!
In order to have an idea of our current projects, we invite you to visit [url].
Per tenir una idea dels nostres projectes actuals, us convidem a visitar [url].
If you invite him, he'll probably come.
Si el convideu, probablement vindrà.
Did you invite him?
El vas convidar?
He was very kind to invite me to his birthday party.
Va ser molt amable de convidar-me a la seva festa d'aniversari.
We wish to invite Peter to Japan in the near future.
Volem convidar en Peter al Japó en un futur proper.