Mary's nerves caused her to mess up her job interview.
Els nervis de Mary la van fer embrutar la seva entrevista de feina.
Did the interview go well?
L’entrevista ha anat bé?
Do you have any queries before I start the interview?
Tens alguna pregunta abans de començar l'entrevista?
Elena Mizulina, infamous for her legislative initiatives, suggested in her interview to the REN-TV channel that the phrase “gays are people too” may be considered extremist.
Elena Mizulina, famosa per les seves iniciatives legislatives, va suggerir en la seva entrevista al canal REN-TV que la frase “gais són persones massa” es pot considerar extremista.
I will ask her about the interview.
Li preguntaré sobre l'entrevista.
He agreed to give us an interview.
Va acceptar fer-nos una entrevista.
I have a job interview at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Demà a la tarda tinc una entrevista de feina a les dues.
Tom had a job interview this morning.
Tom ha tingut una entrevista de feina aquest matí.
If you are a potential employee then you should be aware of what the company stands for and how it treats its employees before attending an interview.
Si sou un empleat potencial, hauríeu de ser conscient del que representa l'empresa i de com tracta els seus empleats abans d'assistir a una entrevista.
I did well at the interview!
Ho vaig fer bé a l'entrevista!
Thank you for coming in for the interview.
Gràcies per venir a l'entrevista.
We ran out of time and had to cut short the interview.
Ens vam quedar sense temps i vam haver d'interrompre l'entrevista.