I'm sick and tired of kids who think they're tough by bullying other kids around in the playground, and who then act all innocent when they're with their parents.
Estic fart i cansat dels nens que pensen que són durs assetjant altres nens al pati i que després actuen com a innocents quan estan amb els seus pares.
I believe that Tom is innocent.
Crec que Tom és innocent.
In the old days, when man was innocent, God sent his daughter to see the Earth.
En els vells temps, quan l'home era innocent, Déu va enviar la seva filla a veure la Terra.
I insist that I'm innocent.
Insisteixo que sóc innocent.
I know Tom is innocent.
Sé que Tom és innocent.
And Pilate having seen that it profiteth nothing, but rather a tumult is made, having taken water, he did wash the hands before the multitude, saying, 'I am innocent from the blood of this righteous one.'
I Pilat, havent vist que no beneficia res, sinó que es fa un tumult, després d'haver pres aigua, sí que va rentar les mans davant la multitud, dient: "Sóc innocent de la sang d'aquest just.'
We're innocent.
Som innocents.
A DNA test showed she was innocent.
Una prova d'ADN va demostrar que era innocent.
I'm innocent, I swear.
Sóc innocent, ho juro.
I think he's innocent.
Crec que és innocent.
An innocent passer-by was shot dead in broad daylight.
Un transeünt innocent va ser assassinat a trets a plena llum del dia.