My writing desk, a place of dread: an incredible number of incredibly useful drawers - combined with incredibly little legspace.
El meu escriptori, un lloc de por: un nombre increïble de calaixos increïblement útils, combinats amb un espai de cames increïblement petit.
You're incredibly talented.
Ets increïblement talentós.
You're incredibly stupid.
Ets increïblement estúpid.
She's incredibly talented.
És increïblement talentosa.
He's incredibly talented.
És increïblement talentós.
This movie is incredibly stupid.
Aquesta pel · lícula és increïblement estúpida.
This girl is incredibly hot.
Aquesta noia fa molta calor.
This summer is incredibly hot.
Aquest estiu fa molta calor.
I'm incredibly tired.
Estic increïblement cansat.
This movie is incredibly stupid.
Aquesta pel · lícula és increïblement estúpida.
I'm incredibly tired.
Estic increïblement cansat.
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