I got quite a scare when they said you were in the hospital.
Vaig tenir un gran ensurt quan van dir que estaves a l'hospital.
This hospital owns many defibrillators.
Aquest hospital posseeix molts desfibril·ladors.
Tom is driving to the hospital.
Tom condueix a l'hospital.
I took Tom to a hospital.
Vaig portar en Tom a un hospital.
I spent a week in the hospital.
Vaig passar una setmana a l'hospital.
I'd like to work at a hospital.
M'agradaria treballar en un hospital.
The hospital quarantined the infected patients to avoid cross infection.
L'hospital va posar en quarantena els pacients infectats per evitar infeccions creuades.
Although I received pills at the hospital, I never took them properly.
Tot i que vaig rebre píndoles a l'hospital, mai les vaig prendre correctament.
Tom visited Mary, who was in the hospital with a broken bone.
Tom va visitar la Mary, que estava a l'hospital amb un os trencat.
I spent a week in the hospital.
Vaig passar una setmana a l'hospital.
That hospital is one of the oldest institutions in the city.
Aquest hospital és una de les institucions més antigues de la ciutat.
Elaine is in hospital.
L'Elaine és a l'hospital.
The hospital is crowded.
L'hospital està ple de gent.
I have to go to hospital.
He d'anar a l'hospital.
I went to the hospital.
Vaig anar a l'hospital.
Tom was in the hospital.
Tom era a l'hospital.
What were you doing at the hospital?
Què hi feia a l’hospital?
I'm in the hospital.
Estic a l'hospital.
I'll be at the hospital.
Estaré a l'hospital.
I'm at the hospital now.
Ara estic a l'hospital.
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