We'd better get the hole in the screen fixed or the house will be full of flies.
És millor que arreglem el forat de la pantalla o que la casa estigui plena de mosques.
The funeral procession reached the burial site, where a hole had been dug that smelled of fresh earth.
La processó fúnebre va arribar al lloc d'enterrament, on s'havia excavat un forat que feia olor de terra fresca.
When I fell I tore a hole in the knee of my pants.
Quan vaig caure em vaig trencar un forat al genoll dels pantalons.
That hole should be filled, not covered.
Aquest forat s'ha d'omplir, no cobrir.
Tom is digging a hole.
Tom està fent un forat.
I think that whoever created the universe, a hole in the sky above him, too, had no idea what is the "universe".
Crec que qui va crear l'univers, un forat al cel sobre ell, tampoc no tenia ni idea de què és l'"univers".
There's a big hole.
Hi ha un gran forat.
The wall has a large hole in it.
La paret té un gran forat.
There is a large hole in the wall.
Hi ha un forat a la paret.
We squeezed through а hole in the fence.
Vam passar pel forat ⁇ de la tanca.
A putrid smell came up out of the hole in the ground.
Una olor pútrida va sortir del forat del terra.
I tore a hole in my jeans when I fell off my bike.
Em vaig fer un forat als meus texans quan vaig caure de la meva bicicleta.
How deep is the hole?
Quina profunditat té el forat?
The golf ball almost went in the hole.
La pilota de golf gairebé va entrar al forat.
You've got a big hole in your sock.
Tens un gran forat al mitjó.
She tore a hole in her dress.
Es va fer un forat al vestit.
They are digging a hole.
Estan fent un forat.
If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
Si et trobes en un forat, deixa d'excavar.
There is a hole in his sock.
Hi ha un forat al mitjó.
It took me about two and a half hours to dig a hole one meter in diameter and two meters in depth.
Vaig trigar unes dues hores i mitja a cavar un forat d'un metre de diàmetre i dos metres de profunditat.
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