This mission is highly secret and extremely dangerous.
Aquesta missió és molt secreta i extremadament perillosa.
I'd still highly recommend that you contribute sentences in Russian, so we could have sentences we can all trust as sounding natural.
Encara recomanaria molt que aporteu frases en rus, de manera que podríem tenir frases en les quals tots puguem confiar com a naturals.
The food was highly peppered.
El menjar estava molt salpebrat.
My method is surprisingly simple, but highly effective.
El meu mètode és sorprenentment senzill, però molt eficaç.
This is highly inefficient.
Això és molt ineficient.
They are highly complementary.
Són molt complementàries.
I think it's highly unlikely that Tom will ever be satisfied.
Crec que és molt poc probable que Tom estigui mai satisfet.
I think it's highly unlikely that I'll ever see my stolen motorcycle again.
Crec que és molt poc probable que torni a veure la meva motocicleta robada.
Geoffrey, a highly advantaged student at a private college, bought a motorcycle and vanished with it.
Geoffrey, un estudiant molt afavorit d'una universitat privada, va comprar una motocicleta i va desaparèixer amb ella.
I think highly of him.
Penso molt en ell.
Our personnel are very highly educated.
El nostre personal està molt ben educat.
Everybody speaks very highly of Ando.
Tothom parla molt bé d'Ando.
Mr Ito is a highly educated man.
El senyor Ito és un home molt educat.
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