It rained heavily yesterday.
Ahir va ploure molt.
It started raining heavily.
Va començar a ploure molt.
The palace was heavily guarded.
El palau estava molt vigilat.
It snowed heavily in the morning he was born.
Va nevar molt al matí que va néixer.
All at once it began to rain heavily.
Tot plegat va començar a ploure molt.
It was raining heavily in Osaka.
Estava plovent molt a Osaka.
Her husband is heavily dependent on drugs.
El seu marit depèn molt de les drogues.
Will the judge fine him heavily?
El jutge el posarà molt bé?
It rained heavily all day.
Va ploure molt tot el dia.
The company is losing money heavily.
L'empresa està perdent molt diners.
The building was heavily damaged by fire.
L'edifici va ser molt danyat per un incendi.
I sit in front of a computer screen all day, so I get pretty heavily bombarded by electro-magnetic waves.
M'assec davant d'una pantalla d'ordinador tot el dia, així que em bombardegen bastant fortament per ones electromagnètiques.
The future of our company is at stake. We have been heavily in the red for the last couple of years.
El futur de la nostra empresa està en joc. Hem estat molt vermells durant els últims dos anys.
The palace was heavily guarded.
El palau estava molt vigilat.
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