We had a poor harvest because of the lack of water.
Vam tenir una mala collita per la manca d'aigua.
Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm.
Qui sembra el vent, collirà la tempesta.
The peasant reaps the harvest.
El pagès colleix la collita.
The power delivered by a one square metre solar panel is approximately one watt. Therefore it is currently difficult to harvest solar energy on a grand scale.
La potència lliurada per un panell solar d'un metre quadrat és d'aproximadament un watt. Per tant, actualment és difícil collir energia solar a gran escala.
Because of the poor harvest, wheat prices have gone up in the last six months.
A causa de la mala collita, els preus del blat han augmentat en els últims sis mesos.
There was a large harvest of peaches last year.
L'any passat hi va haver una gran collita de préssecs.
There has been a good apple harvest this year.
Aquest any hi ha hagut una bona collita de poma.
The fields yielded a good harvest.
Els camps van donar una bona collita.
In the fall we harvest our summer crops.
A la tardor recollim els nostres cultius d'estiu.
You know the phrase, we harvest, that which we sow. I have sown the wind and this is my storm.
Ja saps la frase, collim, allò que sembrem. He sembrat el vent i aquesta és la meva tempesta.
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