I just ran into Tom in the dining hall.
Acabo de trobar-me amb Tom al menjador.
The hall was decorated with potted palms.
La sala estava decorada amb palmeres en test.
The hall was jammed with people.
La sala estava plena de gent.
Please wait in the hall.
Espera al vestíbul.
It's the second door down the hall.
És la segona porta del vestíbul.
There are twenty-five students in the assembly hall.
A la sala d'actes hi ha vint-i-cinc alumnes.
My father has a lot of clout at city hall.
El meu pare té molta influència a l'ajuntament.
Where is the city hall?
On és l'Ajuntament?
The mayor's office is in the city hall.
L'alcaldia es troba a l'ajuntament.
A power failure contributed to the confusion in the hall.
Una fallada elèctrica va contribuir a la confusió a la sala.
The new hall is double the size of the old one.
La nova sala és el doble de la mida de l'antiga.
Being at the concert hall full of young kids made an old duffer like me feel out of tune.
Estar a la sala de concerts plena de nens petits va fer que un vell tampó com jo se sentís desafinat.
When we went to the hall, the concert had already begun.
Quan vam anar a la sala, el concert ja havia començat.
Can you tell me how to get to the city hall?
Em pots explicar com arribar a l’Ajuntament?
The city hall is in the center of the city.
L'ajuntament es troba al centre de la ciutat.
Leave your umbrella in the hall.
Deixa el teu paraigua a la sala.
Two thousand people fit into this hall.
Dues mil persones encaixen en aquesta sala.
A lot of policemen guarded the hall.
Molts policies van vigilar la sala.
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