In no way does the fact that a text was written by a native speaker guarantee that it is any good.
De cap manera el fet que un text hagi estat escrit per un parlant nadiu garanteix que sigui bo.
I'll guarantee that you'll enjoy this movie.
Et garantiré que gaudiràs d'aquesta pel · lícula.
I guarantee it.
Ho garanteixo.
I can't guarantee we'll be able to get the job done by next Monday.
No puc garantir que podrem fer la feina el proper dilluns.
What guarantee do I have that you'll keep up your end of the bargain?
Quina garantia tinc que mantindreu el vostre final de la ganga?
A firewall will guarantee Internet security.
Un tallafoc garantirà la seguretat a Internet.
Relying on strength alone cannot guarantee victory.
Confiar només en la força no pot garantir la victòria.
Honesty is no guarantee of success.
L’honestedat no és garantia d’èxit.
This TV set has a two years guarantee.
Aquest televisor té una garantia de dos anys.
They guarantee this clock for a year.
Garanteixen aquest rellotge durant un any.
I guarantee that this information is correct.
Garantim que aquesta informació és correcta.
I guarantee the success of the show.
Garantim l’èxit de l’espectacle.
Should the word processor go wrong, we guarantee to replace it free of charge.
Si el processador de textos s'equivoca, garantim substituir-lo gratuïtament.
I can't guarantee we'll be able to get the job done by next Monday.
No puc garantir que podrem fer la feina el proper dilluns.
I can't guarantee we'll be able to get the job done by next Monday.
No puc garantir que podrem fer la feina el proper dilluns.
I can't guarantee we'll be able to get the job done by next Monday.
No puc garantir que podrem fer la feina el proper dilluns.
I can't guarantee we'll be able to get the job done by next Monday.
No puc garantir que podrem fer la feina el proper dilluns.
I can't guarantee we'll be able to get the job done by next Monday.
No puc garantir que podrem fer la feina el proper dilluns.
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