Tom and Mary have three grown children and two grandchildren.
Tom i Mary tenen tres fills grans i dos néts.
My sons have grown up.
Els meus fills han crescut.
She loves me; she has grown unused to her former state of life.
Ella m'estima; s'ha quedat sense utilitzar per al seu antic estat de vida.
Tom is a grown man now.
Tom és un home gran ara.
Your son is quite grown up now.
El teu fill ja és gran.
Tom's practice has grown rapidly.
La pràctica de Tom ha crescut ràpidament.
Tom has grown wheat for many years.
Tom ha conreat blat durant molts anys.
Tom has grown up and can stand on his own feet now.
Tom ha crescut i ara pot posar-se dempeus.
Tom has a grown daughter.
Tom té una filla gran.
I have three grown sons.
Tinc tres fills grans.
He's a grown man.
És un home gran.
Because thou sayest — I am rich, and have grown rich, and have need of nothing, and hast not known that thou art the wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
Perquè dius —, sóc ric i m'he enriquit, i no necessites res, i no has sabut que ets el miserable, miserable, pobre, cec i nu.
My father's hair has grown white.
El cabell del meu pare s'ha tornat blanc.
How you've grown!
Com has crescut!
My daughter has grown out of this suit.
La meva filla ha sortit d'aquest vestit.
My daughter has grown out of all her old clothes.
La meva filla ha sortit de tota la roba vella.
Sandra has grown up to be a beautiful woman.
La Sandra ha crescut fins a ser una dona preciosa.
Now that you are grown up, you must not behave like a child.
Ara que ets gran, no has de comportar-te com un nen.