With every birthday, we grow older by one year.
Amb cada aniversari, envellim un any.
I felt the tension grow between us.
Vaig sentir que la tensió creixia entre nosaltres.
Today, our teacher told us whoever smokes will never grow up. In order to prove it, she shot a seventh-grader named Petya.
Avui, el nostre professor ens ha dit qui fuma mai no creixerà. Per demostrar-ho, va disparar a un alumne de setè grau anomenat Petya.
He that neither smoketh nor drinketh, shalt he grow inside a belly
Que ni fumi ni begui, no creixerà dins d'un ventre
Don't let the grass grow under your feet.
No deixis que l'herba creixi sota els teus peus.
When I grow up, I want to be a fireman.
Quan sigui gran, vull ser bomber.
When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter.
Quan sigui gran, vull ser bomber.
Did you grow up near a beach?
Has crescut prop d’una platja?
I want to grow old with Mary.
Vull envellir amb Maria.
The high percentage of oxygen allows insects to grow to frightful sizes.
L'alt percentatge d'oxigen permet que els insectes creixin a mides espantoses.
We grow grapes, corn and fruit trees.
Cultivem raïm, blat de moro i arbres fruiters.
When I grow up I want to be just like you.
Quan sigui gran vull ser com tu.
What would you like to be when you grow up?
Què t’agradaria ser quan siguis gran?
Don't grow up. It's a trap!
No creixis. És una trampa!
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Els diners no creixen als arbres.
How many kinds of vegetables do you grow in your garden?
Quants tipus de verdures hi ha al teu jardí?
After the rain, many mushrooms grow in the forest.
Després de la pluja, molts bolets creixen al bosc.
If you cut the tail off of a lizard, it will grow back.
Si talleu la cua d'un llangardaix, tornarà a créixer.
When I grow up, I want to be king.
Quan sigui gran, vull ser rei.
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