This coat is so long it reaches the ground.
Aquest pelatge és tan llarg que arriba a terra.
Let the ground be wool to you, father!
Que el terra sigui llana per a tu, pare!
The tree fell to the ground.
L’arbre va caure a terra.
The plane didn't have enough lift to get off the ground.
L'avió no tenia prou ascensor per baixar del terra.
The ground was very rocky.
El terreny era molt rocós.
Tom changed everything from the ground up.
Tom ho va canviar tot des de zero.
The ground was covered with a heavy blanket of snow.
El terra estava cobert amb una gran manta de neu.
The house is on the most level part of the ground.
La casa es troba a la part més plana del terreny.
The ground was very uneven.
El terreny era molt desigual.
The ground rocked.
El terra va sacsejar.
The ground started to shake and the alarm rang.
El terra va començar a tremolar i va sonar l'alarma.
He dropped the sausage on the ground.
Va deixar caure la botifarra a terra.
She worships him and the ground he walks on.
Ella l'adora i el terra on camina.
If you find yourself trapped by a bear in the forest, your best bet is to drop to the ground and play dead.
Si et trobes atrapat per un ós al bosc, la teva millor aposta és caure a terra i jugar mort.
It was foggy near the ground.
Estava boirós prop del terra.
The American troops held their ground.
Les tropes americanes es van mantenir ferms.
A putrid smell came up out of the hole in the ground.
Una olor pútrida va sortir del forat del terra.
The butcher ground the meat.
El carnisser va triturar la carn.
I live on the ground floor.
Visc a la planta baixa.
There's no hot water on the fourth floor, but there is on the ground floor.
No hi ha aigua calenta al quart pis, però hi ha a la planta baixa.
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