It doesn't give me any satisfaction to prove you wrong.
No em dóna cap satisfacció demostrar que t'equivoques.
This will give you a rough idea.
Això et donarà una idea difícil.
The English articles are bread-and-butter important. For instance, if I ask my English friend to hold my bag for a while, and then ask to give it back by saying "Give me bag", he'll probably steal the bag of the man standing around because he didn't understand which bag was meant.
Els articles en anglès són importants per al pa i la mantega. Per exemple, si demano al meu amic anglès que agafi la bossa durant un temps, i després demani que la torni dient "Dóna'm la bossa", probablement robarà la bossa de l'home que hi ha al voltant perquè no entenia quina bossa estava destinada.
They should give me the right amount to buy a big car.
M'haurien de donar la quantitat adequada per comprar un cotxe gran.
I can give two of my former teachers as references.
Puc donar com a referències a dos dels meus antics professors.
Tom resigned because they refused to give him a raise.
Tom va dimitir perquè es van negar a donar-li un augment.
I'm afraid of death very much. But thus I don't prevent it, but rather give myself some problems.
Tinc molta por de la mort. Però per tant no ho impedeixo, sinó que em dono alguns problemes.
Instead of flattery, give us an honest and sincere estimate!
En lloc d'adulatge, dóna'ns una estimació honesta i sincera!
"I thought you'd give this laughter its due!" "This is crud! They're laughing at me!" "You don't say?"
"Vaig pensar que donaria aquest riure el seu degut!" "Això és cru! Es riuen de mi!" "No dius?"
Please give me one 100-yen stamp.
Si us plau, doneu-me un segell de 100 iens.
You may not believe it, but sometimes I want to give up everything and run away.
Potser no t'ho creus, però de vegades vull renunciar a tot i fugir.