Tom wants to know how he can gain weight.
Tom vol saber com pot guanyar pes.
To gain time we took the plane.
Per guanyar temps vam agafar l'avió.
For everything you gain, you lose something else.
Per tot el que guanyes, perds una altra cosa.
The robots will gain control one day, be sure of that.
Els robots tindran el control un dia, assegureu-vos-en.
She wants to know how she can gain weight.
Ella vol saber com pot guanyar pes.
Some people gain weight when they quit smoking.
Algunes persones guanyen pes quan deixen de fumar.
A small gain is better than a great loss.
Un petit guany és millor que una gran pèrdua.
You have little to gain and much to lose.
Tens poc a guanyar i molt a perdre.
Some people gain weight when they stop smoking.
Algunes persones guanyen pes quan deixen de fumar.
How does he gain his living?
Com es guanya la vida?
Eat more, or you won't gain strength.
Menja més, o no guanyaràs força.
I've suddenly started to gain weight.
De sobte vaig començar a guanyar pes.
No pain, no gain.
Sense dolor, sense guany.
Some people gain weight when they quit smoking.
Algunes persones guanyen pes quan deixen de fumar.
No pain, no gain.
Sense dolor, sense guany.
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